Oct 10, 2014

53. Man behind the curtain

Honestly, nature can’t wait to admire the form of the nature
Though all seems to be ideal; there exists some reluctance 

Why this hunger; and why these feelings and emotions

Forget not to admire the majestic creation, the lion; 

And also forget not the humble tiny creation of deer
Why for the hunger of lion; the
savage slaying of the timid deer

Why for the hunger of vulture; the tiny birds and chicks as prey

And for the hunger of chicks; the mama hen that feeds with worms

Though to certain extent, nature can tolerate the different species prey
How to tolerate the nature’s hunger of fish; the baby fish prey?

The cat to eat its kitten as to labor, so
to say nature is beautiful?
Above all to make it think; only an inquiry, to the man behind the curtain

Guess some
centennial or millennia, might claim to auto fix or the era or eon
Humble beings celebrating with different names as nature's creator 

The emotion and feeling within and the fear, for invisible infinity, amounts on top
The first humble man ever threatened on earth with the darkness

The threat results in fear, along with mighty lightning and boom
Though there exists other flaws, that needs to be self corrected by thy creation

Why bother with earthquakes, and why these tornadoes and hurricanes
Why those tsunami and cyclones everywhere, and why those

Tiring diseases to decease; for not to fit in the entire universe for the brutes?

Honestly, nature can’t wait to admire the form of the nature