Oct 10, 2014

51. For the dying

i think those days, grandpa planted and it germinated
i think those days, he watered and it developed as a vast tree

now he is no-more; yet, I enjoy with what he planted
and I think those days, my dad sweat, and earned hard

he built a house, of his very choice and claimed as dream house
now he is no more; yet, I inhabit in that house luxuriously

some ego triggered, within me; I accumulate earthly wishes to that house
for to leave all to offspring’s; while I rest as my ancestors got along

are those of my deed a selfish or selfless attitude; as in question
query to view the great deeds rendered by humans for humanity

wonder to see the sacrifices by great leaders by their selfless attitude
for the multitude of the nation to free from slavery, attributed in every line

for the dying, aging, and orphans surrendered the whole life with selfless attitude
for mankind's sophisticated life; the sleepless nights that scientist spent

of great mind and souls; where to count all of this; and where to record all this
for to sweat for my heirs is not a selfish and to die for unknown is selfless attitude

oh my soul; hear my voice, ignore me not, and mollify me
    i think of those days, grandpa planted and it germinated