Aug 14, 2014

22. An inquiry with the rose

She screamed at me, hey! Stop writing verses, that labels my gorgeous
For, I have nothing, as you write; she said; and ran far away
Long I mounted, staring at the rose, just it blossomed, from its bud
Long awaited bumble bee; nibbles the nectar; at every inch of rose

Stealthily I, went to the rose; and asked about, the deeds of the busy bee
I don’t know, ask the bee; the rose exclaimed in shy, and turned away
Bee knows well, what’s in the rose; so do I, with my lovely dear
Felt pity on them; of not knowing none; for what they have

Scared how to tell; the nectar that spills; within the petals
Afraid to tell; the fragrance, within her: at night time bed,
Pungent smell; distracts my thoughts: catching hold of my hand
She reads my excerpt; with the, honey-drip petals; with a gorgeous smile