Aug 3, 2014

13. Overseas pal

Long-awaited opportunity, invited him,
from a distant land

thought himself blessed, for his youthful dream
ensued in reality

with lots of anticipation parted,
the beloved and close one

departed with pride; as something achieved,
while boarding the flight

though cultural change, climatic change,
seems to acclimatize

craving for food and longing to meet the beloved,
seems unbearable

awful work; can’t celebrate, awesome weather,
and other pretty things

clients, offshore calls, contribute sleepless nights,
with tiresome pain

not only blessed being along with family;
but it’s a sense of paradise

acquaintances with kith and kin;
a real-time enduring delight

pal felt, as if lost all those delights;
with those adolescent dreams

pal hanker for a dream,
to be with his beloved