Aug 10, 2014

18. I wish the cold breeze

It was five past six and she is yet to arrive
noisy crowd irritated me at the central park
cold breeze hurts and buzzing bees annoyed
hate people who gazing at me, yet hold the rose

To my relief, she came finally, in body-con skirt
it was ten past six; a sudden spate of happiness
on her glimpse and for her comportment, I felt
never bothered anyone; just kissed on her lips

Spoke about love; and more about future
raised her arms; and hold her waist;
she shut her eyes; leaned towards me
and said something; but lost; in my own heart beating

She hugged so tight; I wished; the cold breeze to be colder
phone woofed; ten calls from dad; it was ten past ten
her dimple cheekily smiled; again hugged; and said adieu
I felt she was intended for me; the buzzing bees, hums so nicely