Apr 22, 2016

378. I know not

I know not why I have often been to beach
on those unforgettable youthful days
all alone with my lovely destined dear 

My mind, heart, body and spirit in the unknown 
turbulence of non alignment disharmony, like
the moon’s restlessness of wavering waves
of ups and downs surge with the rhythmic tides
vibration of to and fro know not to calm and still 

My darling dear walks as a slender breeze 
with those of celestial orbs of waggle eyes
of the perfected cosmic twins that breathes
the moon’s delight that wobbles in harmonious

That which sensed the senses vibrates and
shatters only on my periphery, yet calms 
the deep core of essential within that is extremely
still, quiet, tranquility, harmony, serene and calm

Like the end of the horizon, that which my languorous 
nose that sensed the aroma love of divine bliss with
slimy tulip with rose essential fragrance that rests beside me