Sep 22, 2014

40. The beauty I ever met

For the eyes or brows or eyes and brows                         
and for those of pairs clads with impeccable clothe
From past to this and this to next for the love I vows   
who is not in affinity to the opposite force like a moth

For the elegance of slender waist and the hands that sway
the belly and ballet dance that meet at bright
And the symmetry grace, that makes ever to pray
the pores that sweat the beads of cascade with its might

And those earthly perfumes that miss to match the scent                 
for those cosmic dance on the dais, those earthly eyes that fix       
The tail of the peacock that stretch to match, but only years that spent           
rather admits to dance, if it showers and not try to mix

         While those dance that twilight and the bird that cite,                             
         Why should I stop to praise while many other lionize