Sep 3, 2014

31. The seat belt

Reckless and rash driving, was his attribution
Paid lot fines, yet buddy stick to his innate
At times 'drink and drive'; caught for 'hit and run'
Lived on his rules; safety rules that he hate

Buddy nether stops at 'stop', nor yield to 'yield'
He turns on left; on 'no turn on left'; the same as right
'Railroad crossing', he dare to cross, with bare windshield
Driving on 'one way', buddy thought, one among his might

On a rainy day, buddy exceeded speed limit; on 'slippery when wet'
Not fastened the seat belt; nurse fastens the body, closed the eyelids
Buddy entered, 'do not enter' zone; unexpected 'dead end' that he met
Friends and I; helpless to console his parents and family