Jul 13, 2017

639. Graceful walk along

Graceful walk along with my slender love on the narrow path of the meadows
Soft velvet colorful petals of fragrant flowers on either side of the passage
Ozone layers of filtered eternal love drops of rain showers on the fertile earth
Perfect sets of symmetric nether love dances gracefully along with the rain drops
Heartfelt wishes of beauty and wisdom together in align with the eternal joy and bliss
Infinite thoughts of the endless dream cases that moment know not, where am I
Earth and sky communion in the blissful love, of space and time know not, who am I
Evaporate with love and affection to meet its love of the infinite space of no time
Vapor of the sublime with the elevated surge through the experience of zero gravity
Affinity towards the sky and levitate, fly high in the sky as birds and see the stars and moon
No moon, no sun, no stars, no clouds yet wisdom knows all the is invisible exists
Silvery light within of every cell that transforms, migrates, transmutes to its origin
Invisible, yet left the mystery of the unknowable unknown of the eternal truth