Nov 23, 2016

489. A sweet melody

The voice, a sweet melody, played in tune
like a mesmerizing mandolin
of the rhythmic roaring ocean waves
that soothes the ears that hear

The alluring beauty, the painters,
the sculptures forget themselves
at work and lost in the beauty
of the earthly angel that pleases the eyes

The pleasant fragrance of the
scented aroma mixed with vanilla
and the fragrance of the rose garden blended
with the air of a heavenly perfume for to breathe

The cartographer's landscapes of the beautiful
walk and the soft gaze of the mercy smile
of the lips and the sparkle like a verse
in honorary of the poet's rhyming that ends

The golden hair and the smooth, flawless freckled
cheeks of smiling the instant lyric with a melody
of songs that utter with smiling gestures
makes one forget the materialist world to be in paradise

The warmth and tenderness life that sublimes
the energy to get oneness with the elation of natural breath
of soul in unity with natural laws of the cosmic universe
that which is felt for to be ever and ever as an immortal being