Nov 23, 2016

490. Where are they

Where are they,
they who own
the accumulated wealth

Where are they,
they who brag
for the known knowledge

Where are they,
they who boast
with pride walk

Where are they,
they who hurt
the humble hearts

Where are they,
they who showcase
the kith and kin arrogance

Where are they,
he who crowns
with achiever’s vanity

Who would claim,
where are they?
until they could
rest in peace along with
the game of nature's play

489. A sweet melody

The voice, a sweet melody, played in tune
like a mesmerizing mandolin
of the rhythmic roaring ocean waves
that soothes the ears that hear

The alluring beauty, the painters,
the sculptures forget themselves
at work and lost in the beauty
of the earthly angel that pleases the eyes

The pleasant fragrance of the
scented aroma mixed with vanilla
and the fragrance of the rose garden blended
with the air of a heavenly perfume for to breathe

The cartographer's landscapes of the beautiful
walk and the soft gaze of the mercy smile
of the lips and the sparkle like a verse
in honorary of the poet's rhyming that ends

The golden hair and the smooth, flawless freckled
cheeks of smiling the instant lyric with a melody
of songs that utter with smiling gestures
makes one forget the materialist world to be in paradise

The warmth and tenderness life that sublimes
the energy to get oneness with the elation of natural breath
of soul in unity with natural laws of the cosmic universe
that which is felt for to be ever and ever as an immortal being

Nov 17, 2016

488. Oh my mind sublime

Oh my mind,
sublime fear into calmness
you shall attain peacefulness

Oh my mind,
be guilt not, and be innocent
you shall attain deep silence of serenity

Oh my mind,
wrath not and pacify with humor
for harmony and happiness will there be

Oh my mind,
doubt not and have faith with trust and belief
you shall bath in the ocean of love and wisdom

Oh my mind,
be in the place where time and space vanish
by getting deep within, to celebrate the wisdom of the eternal

Nov 16, 2016

487. Where the mind filled

where the mind filled not with fear,
wisdom is
where the mind filled not with guilt,
freedom is
where the mind filled not with rage,
peace is
where the mind filled not with doubts,
certainty is

Nov 7, 2016

486. Thought waves

Thought waves and thought energies
sublimes the vital energies
ultimately, I seldom forget, to transmute this energy
with awareness, to surrender into the realm
of the higher form of energy

Nov 4, 2016

485. She hugged me so tight

She hugged me so tight
and surrounded her arm
around my neck as a garland

The sparkling teeth
and the whispering tone
in my ears are so amazing

We stroll, sit and rest
with breathless breath
on the yellow meadow

Of all the nature's nurture
she is my nurture
of the alluring beauty

Heat pounded, blood gushed
and remains
as thoughtless state

Clouds wagged,
rain dropped,
we hugged so tight

No words to speak,
silence prevailed within
and raised the spiritual bondage

Left unspoken
through the existence
in that mesmerizing memory

Nov 3, 2016

484. She immersed herself

She immersed herself in the holy water thrice
slowly walked the edge of the shoreline
water drops from every tip of her hair
droplets of water throughout her
all the natural landscape is alluring
for the enthralling beauty and beyond
she draped herself with the turkey towel 
and dropped the soul for eternal bliss
the moments of tranquility through
ocular, no wonder, for a conjoined
wisdom and purity of thoughts
of a free verse bard

Nov 2, 2016

483. All these years searched

All these years searched for the mystical muses
for the great exquisiteness, grace, charm and elegance
to the blessed gift of love, joy, energy and bliss
for to forget the troubles and admired by the
beauty, song, music, dance, poetry, intellectual
wisdom, knowledge, inspiration, blessing
through the mystical thoughts and holy dreams
of the mystical communion cosmos of micro and macro
and of the deep memory and lovely dream
vision of the beautiful muse with lovely smile
of the glory, allure, yearn, admire, trembles,
hallucination, radiant, ignorance, and exuberance
finally found within as none could found without

482. Alone yet not lonely

Alone yet not lonely
sat on the meadows on the green
lawn of a park

fragrance of flowers everywhere
clouds nomadic over the sky
birds chirp, breezy air prevails

slowly I, ignore myself
hear not, and see not
sense not, yet in awareness

perceived a voice within
that heeded with a conception
like a soul’s dialogue inside

can’t transform whatsoever without,
however, could transmute within
so, inside remains unaffected by outside