Jun 6, 2015

213. The Precious

The profound kiss on her ruby cheek
of my love vibrates the impulse of
the sudden surge of bloodstream
like the sun emitting the radiant rays

The smile through her pearly teeth
emanates the waves of invisible
frequency that sanctioned on me
to have purity in mind and thoughts
like the moon of sizzling beauty

The immersed coral-red lips of her
flawless smile emit and energize the
brave, fearless, courageous, and
valiant personality within me
like the red distant fierce Mars

The soft kiss on the emerald veins,
throughout her love induces the
psyche quality within and bequeaths
successful in all walks of life
of the mercurial mental strength

The hug through the yellow sapphire's
radiant body radically radiates
happiness, prosperity, luck, fortune
and wealth within my reach
like the great wisdom teacher Jupiter

The mesmerizing diamond beauty of her
soul emerges and unites within me to seek the
absolute path of bliss vibrantly bestows
good health and wealth of wisdom and
to increase popularity and professional status
through the Venus love of infinite nectar

The gaze of the blue sapphire eyes
emits the rays within me like a ring
reverberates patience, integrity
and discipline within me like a
spherical globe that spins within the space

The caress of the Hessonite red-orange
dulcet love makes to grab the moment
the earthly riches of the materialist
for to increase worldly recognition
desires, sense of gratification
like the ascending node of the lunatic

The flawless cat’s eye, showers
the sudden surge of increased, spiritual tendencies,
asceticism, non-attachment and psychic powers
travels to another world of immortality
of the descending node of the lunatic