Feb 3, 2015

127. From destiny to freewill

Wise and smart, has lot wit and wisdom
Handsome too, but destiny played in his life
Unexpected turn in life, while he submit to fate
Being honest; wiped his life, with defenseless
Buddy unarmed, struggled to survey in the world of delusion

Jobless, destitute made him wander like a vagrant
Painful thoughts and endless suffering slayed him a lot
Basic needs of psychology or physiology, he gets either
But kept longing for the worldly riches and beauty
Nature played its role and identifies him as a lunatic

He is lonely, as none to share about his considerate deeds
Afraid to share, as that might make him lose his pride and humiliated
Thought to end his life, but little thoughts of confidence holds his breath
He never realized that money matters a lot for a basic survival
At one point buddy realized worldly riches doesn’t mean money a lot

Instead good health, peace of mind, harmony with nature, calm, and trance
Stress free life, distress not even for minutes and not fall for agony existence
Buddy identified as these are not found even with wealthy riches of the world
Now buddy seems to be happy, joy, glee without holding any earthly wishes
As he is ready to quit anything and at any point of time within the space

Money, fame and wealth seems nothing to him in time and space
Turmoil seems to be buddy’s control, he felt he was blessed with his destiny
He chose the freewill to be happy always, and felt self-esteem a lot
While his self-esteem grew a lot he felt he owns everything what he wants
He is content with his highly self-discovered, self-actualization

Buddy’s choice of freewill, of how to think, makes him to self-realize
And he attained the bliss of enlightenment, serenity, trance and ecstasy