Jan 6, 2015

106. I will experience reality

Oh my Creator
Why mortals
Bothers me

At times
Upsets and
Discomforts me

Blood bleeds
Of Love, in my
Tiny heart

Wonder if they
Derive any sense of
Satisfaction in an
Attempt to
Break my heart?

Is that what is
Destined for me?
Where is my free will?

And my
Choice of freedom
At times
Go hand in hand
As a puppet in the
Hands of destiny
Tied in, with these mortals

While those mortals
Mocks and teases me
I am dejected and depressed
Forced to feel me
Miserable and gloomy

I know, only
My dear ones can hurt
Me a lot as they
Only know
How to hurt me better

And I am given to
Note that they
Are still in the
Nomadic illusion of

And sooner
Or later
I will experience
The outcome
Of reality, by my
Choice of free will