Feb 5, 2021

1033. Thoughts

what is the source of my thoughts
 O’ the supreme intellect

Feb 4, 2021

1032. Captivate me

I sense my senses
in everywhere and 
in every form and formless
I feel it as a fascinating breeze
I see it as a ray of light and hope
I smell it as an exquisite fragrance
I taste it as the great potential for prosperity
I hear it as a universal vibration
O' the unknown captivate me with your grace

Feb 3, 2021

1031. Let my breath

 Let my breath be everlasting
let the span of my life be infinite
let my health and wealth be shared
let my quantum of wisdom be abundant
let the joy and happiness be manifest
for to adore only the divine quality
of the unmeasurable aspect of
of infinite source

Feb 2, 2021

1030. I am alive

I am alive to
 adore and worship the nature
the elegance, the beauty, the grace
want to live forever and ever
eternally with form and formless
to merge, melt and embrace
the divine of the purest formless form
of absolute