Jul 5, 2020

998. Karma yoga

Kriya Yoga that we learned together at our birthplace
Round walk on the foothills of mount Tiruvannamalai
In this birth, we laughed, went college, had fun and for
Sure we don't understand the creator of the creations
Hours spent traveling across the globe by parting ourself
Now where you went without saying a word to anyone
And leaving your family and friends alone

Karma Yoga is the yoga of realization to be realized
Unification with oneness is the goal of creation and the
Meaning of  birth and death on this planet earth
And let's surrender to the soul within us through the
Raja Yoga that is bestowed to humanity

Jul 4, 2020

997. Love the divine

Stop craving for food
you will seek love
seek love you will spread love
spread love you will receive love
And know that it is the divine quality on earth

Jul 3, 2020

996. Consecrate the being

Consecrate your body with sound energy as mantras
our external and internal world is taken care of 

Jul 2, 2020

995. Find yourself

Stop being obsessed with fellow beings
suddenly we will find ourself within

Jul 1, 2020

994. Reality

Cease to observe 
and absorb the
materialistic energy
The moment we stop
we will identify
our reality