May 27, 2019

927. Spring

I typed her name and it looked beautiful
I underlined it, it was elegant
I bold it, it was gorgeous
I italicized it, it was alluring
I changed the font size it was more gorgeous
I changed the font it looked prettier
aligned and centered it
it was even perfect
She touched my shoulder with her breeze
When I turned
Smiled at me and said, “I love you”

May 5, 2019

925. Silence

Speak to me in 
eternal world
blessed with 

May 4, 2019

924. Feelings and Emotions

on this earth 
are fastened with 
feelings & emotions

May 3, 2019

923. Mindfulness

Depression is easy to handle 
rather than repression;
but both can be overcome 
by cleansing the mind 
through mindfulness

May 2, 2019

922. Am I really here?

Who am I? awakened within
Who are we? probed within;

What am I doing here? and
What is this place as I see now?
Where am I here? and am I here? 

As nothing in here, seems perpetual
Perhaps, in the realm of the sky
Inanimate objects persist
Seems eternal and everlasting 

Delved with, questions and thoughts
Does any seamless, unseen relativity, exists?
With all the inanimate objects,
In relation with objects on earth

Searched for answers, and found nowhere
Though traditional pseudoscience
And modern science provides no
Profound answer for to appease me;
I grieve, I suffer, within,

Who am I? And, am I here?
What am I doing here?
Am I really here?

May 1, 2019

921. Time and Space

While time and space confines within
To transcend beyond the universe

Eternal voyage to galaxy within cosmos
Of the physical to spirit, to an infinite horizon

Through the black hole exit of secrets
Within the reach of the wormhole

To sublime with the realm of singularity
Of the energy of uniqueness within

To detach earthly wishes at ease and
To realize the dark matter of the cosmos in serenity

For the absolute transform of potential to kinetic
For the uniqueness within absolute energy in tranquil