Apr 5, 2019

920. Thoughts are nothing

How my thought changes
with passage of time

How my energetic knowledge
transformed to wisdom

Thought to change the world
yet need to consecrate me 

Spirit to do everything at youth
thrive to seek spirituality now

Lust ruled the physique once
love rules the soul now

Of claimed rebel once
obey to all systems now

Argued adage traditions
agree now, for there exists truth

Dishonored elderly advice
honor them wholeheartedly now

Raised voice for revolution

Realized now, revolution is a delusion

Apr 4, 2019

919. Song of freedom

With heavenly dew drops
the earth is fertile
and the roots are strong
and deep inside the ground

With kindness and affection
of the Sun's grace
the dew evaporates
with joy reaching
the Venus love heart of
eternal bliss

Sing the song of ultimate freedom
with the pitch and clear words
of joy and ecstasy

Adore nature
through the eye of wisdom

And is crowned with
the oneness of the ultimate wisdom
of Bliss and Unity

Apr 3, 2019

918. Cleansing

The Physical body
is cleansed through
The Root
The Sacral
The Solar plexus
The Energy Body
is cleansed through
The Heart
The Throat
The Mental & Wisdom Body
is cleansed through
The Third eye
The Bliss Body
is attained through
The Crown

Apr 2, 2019

917. Journey Without

The Journey without
is through

Apr 1, 2019

916. Journey Within

The Journey Within 
is through
withdrawal of senses
with the absolute