Sep 20, 2018

885. Key to eternal bliss

Unification  of
opposite polarities
is the key to eternal bliss
and wisdom thereby
transmuting the energy 
being entrapped into 
the physical form of existence
to ultimate realm

884. Regulate breath

It takes its alternative course of action
the left and right
Be still and watch that the flow of breath regulates
through left and right simultaneously
all else is taken care by itself

Sep 18, 2018

883. Transmute Anger

First the pride, then the trust, what else is there to lose?
did I forget to infuse, of how to take care, of things?
promise me, you are not the one of the hatred group?
- May I see the trust and pride again?

Forget not the trigger of the game;
why can't this be handled in silence
rather desperately making the chaos of the play
- Why to kindle the sensitive and later "act" the deed of extinguish

Why to sail in others anger and get a reward of being nice?
more this situation, more the fragile and brittle the relationship is;
why to ignite the anger of sensitivity and focus on own schedule?
- For I have no errand of my own and got trapped in the web of deceit

Anger the deadliest emotion, affect not the target, yet the point of emission
fool is the one, who knows not to control their emotions;
stupid is the one, who are the puppets in the hands of the triggered
- Blessed are those who know the art of transmutation of anger

Promise me, not to give a change to the trigger who play with others emotions
-Yes, we need to travel along with the carefully crafted mind-gamed multitude

Sep 2, 2018

882. I am entrapped

I am entrapped 
in the man-made net
Wish to fly freely
rather caught in the cage
Wish to roam around in the woods
rather entrapped in the zoo
Wish to be in river, lake, ponds, ocean
rather be in an aquarium
Wish to grow unattended
rather be in the botanical garden
Wish to be as rocks along with dirt and mud
rather be, to the eyes of visitors, in the exhibition 
Wish to be embedded in the earth's crust
rather being  as ornaments touching the layer of the skin

Sep 1, 2018

881. Thoughts so ceases

Seldom control instead adapt
and therefore flow with the flow

Seldom control things
as you never your thoughts;

Watch your breath and control
your breath, thoughts so ceases