Jun 20, 2018

870. Ductless glands

To regenerate the dead cells
and to retain youth and to slow
aging the one and one ease
way is to regulate the ductless glands

Jun 18, 2018

869. Polarity of Nature

The light and dark
The rich and poor
Humble and pride
The ego and compassion
The peace and war
The love and hatred
The right and wrong
The negative and positive
The female and male
The north and south
The up and down
The east and west
The evil and holy
The complete and void

Jun 17, 2018

868. A Positive connotation mind

What is this life
filled with wonders and beauties?
What is this life
filled with joy and happiness?
what is this life
filled with pleasure and serene?
What is this life
filled with love and affection?
What is this life
filled with compassion and empathy?

Jun 16, 2018

867. Mindfulness

Learn to hold
the breath and release it slowly
So that, the wandering thoughts
are controlled
The mind will retain its
present moment of awareness

866. A negative connotation mind

What is this life
filled with miseries and sorrows?
What is this life
filled with hatred and vengeance?
What is this life
filled with agony and distress?
What is this life
filled with depression and repression?
What is this life
filled with ego and pride?
What is this life
filled with creed and greed?

- A negative connotation mind

Jun 15, 2018

865. English Language

My Love 
is to understand 
the nuances and diction of
English language
and to hallucinate
with it

Jun 14, 2018

864. Spirit Molecule

It is that spirit molecule
within us
We call it as God,
it manifest itself
the way we want
and guide us
as to how our thought waves
are connected
to it

Jun 13, 2018

863. Past or Future

Dwelling in deep thoughts of
either in the past or future
for a prolonged period of time
affect the healthy functioning
of mind, body and sprit

Jun 12, 2018

862. Speculation of Thoughts

about future
course of action
of uncertainties
are mind trauma
and is to be avoidable

Jun 11, 2018

861. Event Thinking

Either thinking about the past events
and analyzing about it
as well pondering about future course
of imaginary events
are sheer mind trauma
both are looking at illusion
and is playing the game
of uncertainties
and non predictable actions
just with collective experience
with present space and time

Jun 10, 2018

860. People Thinking

Think about people and their deeds
quite often
is getting themselves aways from their
own self awareness and realization

Jun 9, 2018

859. People Watching

People watching or gazing
is not healthy way of doing
it is embarrassing others
and feeling uncomfortable
to others
Its better to avoid ogling
invited as spectator

Jun 8, 2018

858. Higher plane of existence

Some leave us without leaving
any traces in our heart

Some leave us with unconditional
love and affection in our heart

Both sort survives on this earth
to perform their duty

Both throughout their life carry
perishable body and everlasting soul

Both body and soul are bounded in
the continuum of time and space

As time ages, both bodies wither,
decay, decomposes and vanish

While both's timeless soul continues,
in a perpetual ceaseless motion

The soul thus reaching the higher plane
of existence of no form or,

Reaching the lower plane of existence
embedding in the gross, subtle body of life form,

Depends on the immortal soul's wish while
being in mortal life

Jun 7, 2018

857. Neither a giver nor a borrower

He lived 
with certain philosophies 
in life,
though comfortable for him 
others had to strife
during fifty-three years of his existence 
on earth

He lived a life of
his own 
rules and agenda 
like a monk

He has never loved anyone and 
never accepted love from anyone
even at the drunk

He neither allow others 
to rely upon him, nor
he depends on some

He was neither 
a giver 
a borrower

When he left a vacuum,
in my heart
I never got upset nor had to strife
as he has given his philosophy:
I am 
neither a giver nor 
a borrower

Jun 6, 2018

856. Lucid Dream

In my lucid dream
I have experienced
flying to outer space
flying above the ground level
if any one 
try to catch me
I know I could fly
and just flew away from them

Jun 5, 2018

855. Universal Languages

in the form of
without words 
soulful languages
and is universal
to beings

Jun 4, 2018

854. Religion

civilization & technology;
culture and religion
need to evolve

Jun 3, 2018

853. Love

Love is there
in birds
Love is there
in flowers
Love is there
in bees
Love is there
in animals
for they
no not
what is
what is religion
what is family setup
all they know
is in align with the nature;
Man has to learn
profound things
from the nature
and from these mindfulness beings

Jun 2, 2018

852. Culture

Like government 
each and every 
culture and religion 
need to review and update 
so as to cater the needs 
of the contemporary 

Jun 1, 2018

851. Silence

Love is Love
is shared
through words
Love is Love
through Silence