Nov 20, 2017

730. Witness

All that I understood is not to follow the mind and be witness to it.

Nov 19, 2017

729. Music without words

Music without words are beautiful; for it ceases the flow of the mind; and that which helps to identify ones own being.

Nov 18, 2017

728. Music

Music without words are beautiful
words without music are beautiful

music ensemble with words in harmony are beautiful
words unite with music in harmony are beautiful

Nov 17, 2017

727. Love the divine

Love, the divine out of love;
love not the divine out of fear

Nov 16, 2017

726. Not all love

Not all love ends with marriage; but with eternal union

Nov 15, 2017

725. Scientific

Scientific thoughts are spiritualized in olden days; and now is commercialized by modern thoughts

Nov 14, 2017

724. Scientists

Scientists are witnessing as is explored by the seers

Nov 13, 2017

723. I love

I love
to be 
with the one 
who makes me 

Nov 12, 2017

722. Mindfulness

Not involving in the conversation of mind
rather get along like a passing clouds
one would realize what mindfulness is

Nov 11, 2017

721. Silence

Silence is not of speaking
its of not thinking

Not thinking doesn't meant, not thinking
its of not having conversation
with the mind

Nov 10, 2017

720. Awareness

I am not the mind
I am not the body
I am not the senses
I am pure awareness

Nov 9, 2017

719. Awareness

I had pride till my fall
after the fall, I learnt awareness
and that guides me now for spring in my life

Nov 8, 2017

718. Independence

The moment when each and every 
individual feel real independence, then 
the nation has got it

Nov 7, 2017

717. Illusions

I dream either way
One, in the absence
of my senses
Two, in the presence
of my senses
Yet both are illusions

Nov 6, 2017

716. Universe

Each and every thing is a miniature of the whole universe

Nov 5, 2017

715. Eternity

Let me know myself first
for I have been here
in existence for eternity

Nov 4, 2017

714. Beautiful

Beach, hill top, river, valley,
shadow of the tree,
sun rise, sun set
gleaming moon, chirping birds
passing clouds, fresh breeze,
lightening, thunder, rain,
fog, mist, dew
are beautiful

Nov 3, 2017

713. My Love

Wandered like a beast on earth
with animal instinct
You changed 
beast to human
My love

Nov 2, 2017

712. Divine

He who love fame,
power, fortune
will see divine at distance

Nov 1, 2017

711. My Silence

My silence, calmness, quietness
gives me eternal bliss and closeness to divine