Oct 20, 2017

710. The Divine

The divine
within oneself

Oct 19, 2017

709. The Mind Knows

The Mind knows 
east and west
the heart
I love my heart rather than the mind

Oct 18, 2017

708. World of stage

I like to watch and not to be watched
so says he, is an audience and a spectacular
he is a good commenter, gossip speaker
throughout his lifetime
he judge things and speculate about himself and others

Where as, the One who says
I like to be watched and not to watch
is a man of history
is a man of action
throughout his lifetime

This is how celebrities and obscurity
distinguish themselves, in this
World of stage

Oct 17, 2017

707. Hill Top

Why in some places the worship of divine
is built at hill top
is the ideology is to burn the calories
while elevated climb to hill top

Oct 16, 2017

706. Global Warming

Why in some places
trees are worshiped
as Gods and goddesses
is this the ideology behind
Global warming and green house effect

Oct 15, 2017

705. Species Ideology

Why in some part of the earth cows are worshiped;
- Is this some sort of ideology for endangered of species?

Oct 14, 2017

704. Divine

Divine touch not, for those
who greed and pride
in want of food cloth and shelter

Divine touch not, for those
who always battle
to find solution for a problem

Divine is revealed
for those who worry not
about either the past nor the future

Oct 13, 2017

703. Echo

Why I still hear you whisper
is this the echo

Oct 12, 2017

702. Reverberation

What is that still reverberates within me
your beautiful song of love that you uttered
is this the reverberation

Oct 11, 2017

701. Why you still

Why you still persist in my heart
even you left me long ago
Is this the persistence of existence?

Oct 10, 2017

700. The passing clouds

The sun and the moon
the river and the brook
the stream and the ocean
the mountain and the valley
the birds and the passing clouds
what else I need, for not to be alone

Oct 9, 2017

699. The moon through

The moon through its halves nodes
forces to experience the northern materialistic
yet finally, took pity and
granted salvation, through self-realization of
enlightenment with its southern
spiritual node, of the raised mercury
to reach to the cranium and all is understood with
the crystal-clear beam of silvery light
the soul is protected to reach
its origin of no return of the time and space continuum
earthen materials of the body perish in these orbs on earth

Oct 8, 2017

698. For the years

For the years seven and half, the right orb
taught to see the world as it is
while the beauty and courage fades as to time
through the Venus in love and the red
silently it shines and witness as is destined

Oct 7, 2017

697. I am grateful

I am grateful, as all my worldly doors have closed
the door within is opened to reach the ultimate

Give me enough strength, belief, faith and trust
so as to open the heavenly gates

Help me to drop the fear, doubt, insincere, greed,
pride, anger, hatred, attachment, desire, selfishness, ego and jealousy
for that block my eternal journey

Have pity on me, have mercy on me and enlighten me to the realization
and give me the courage to sail in the world
of non-duality, through the ultimate faith in you

Oct 6, 2017

696. My wish here

My wish here is not to pull the one
who doesn't have the aspect of divine attraction

For warriors, scholars and rulers may not fit in my realm
and therefore I call upon, sages, priests, artist and helpless
for to seek the divinity within

For others will experience sooner or later
if and only if they receive the beacon of divine glimpse

Oct 5, 2017

695. Thought process

Every object on the earth 
various forms of energies 
from the cosmos 
human alone can learn 
the art of receiving 
the right forms of energies
the awareness 
the right use of the mind 
the proper thought process

Oct 4, 2017

694. It's the pluto

It's the pluto
the inner

Oct 3, 2017

693. It's the neptune

It's the neptune
Beyond Reality

Oct 2, 2017

Oct 1, 2017

691. It's the sun

It's the sun