Apr 11, 2017

590. He is deaf and blind

He is deaf and blind
and no man walking on the earth

He once lived with pride and proud
and that makes it now to breath

He met them, they slay him,
more with words than with swords 
like a sharp edge of a razor sharp

Yet their haunting death words
he lives a worthless life like nomadic
wounds him not

And now they call him a saint
and bow before him with heart- full adore

589. There is a soul

There is a SOUL
In This
For to Take Care
Your Soul

Apr 10, 2017

588. Say No

Say No,
it has its own consequence

Say Yes,
it has its own manifestation

Words are everything
watch the words before
You let it out

587. I don't expect you

I don't expect you
to motivate me,
but kindly don't humiliate me,
oh dear moon, when you at eight

I don't expect you
to encourage me,
but kindly don't discriminate me,
oh dear moon, when you at eight

586. I was searching

I was searching for 
motivation and I could not get it

I was searching for 
encouragement where I could not find it,

I eventually realize that 
the source of inspiration is within me

Apr 8, 2017

585. It was the virgo's

It was the Cancer’s first summer night
the wind barely blew and my love was quiet
the wind barely blew and my love felt she was right
the trees barely shook and she held me so tight
oh yeah, it was the Cancer's first summer night

It was the Leo's peak summer night
the wind blew hot and so my love was might
the wind blew hot and so naughty was the thought
the trees are still like the time could not be spot
oh yeah, it was the Leo's peak summer night

It was the Virgo's last summer night
the wind never blew and my love felt so hot
the wind never blew and my love sweat a lot
the trees shook not and she came close with no space
oh yeah, it was the Virgo's last summer night

Apr 7, 2017

584. The cardinal Aries says

The cardinal Aries says I am the start of the spring
The fixed Taurus says I am the peak of the spring
The mutable Gemini says I am the end of the spring

The cardinal Cancer says I am the start of the summer
The fixed Leo says I am the peak of the summer
The mutable Virgo says I am the end of the summer

The cardinal Libra says I am the start of the autumn
The fixed Scorpio says I am the peak of the autumn
The mutable Sagittarius says I am the end of the autumn

The cardinal Capricorn says I am the start of the winter
The fixed Aquarius says I am the peak of the winter
The mutable Pisces says I am the end of the winter

Apr 6, 2017

583. You blog and blog

Yeah, you keep blog and blog and blog
for you are a better writer

Well, you blog and blog
for you are a better thinker

You blog and blog and blog
for to find you and your world

You blog and blog and blog
for to improve readers lives

Oh yeah, you blog and blog and blog
my blogger

Apr 4, 2017

582. Deal with these twelve

Deal with these twelve
oh my mind

That says as

That says as
I Have

That says as
I Know

That says as
I Feel

That says as
I Rule

That says as
I Analyze

That says as
I Relate

That says as
I Desire

That says as
I Understand

That says as
I Utilize

That says as
I Change

That says as
I Believe

581. My love was

My love was once like those of the ivy vines

Now it looks like a broken chain links
oh my love 

I need to unite with her like a knotted rope

Full of kindness and affection of 
compassionate and empathy

Of loyal and trust
honesty bond

580. I once was

I once was like a lamb playing
 on this meadow

I once was like a humming bird
singing in this vast sky

I once was sitting on this
chair for hours in solitude

And now it's time to leave 
this chair Vacant

579. She likes to listen

I like to talk to her
she likes to listen 
when I talk

I like to lullaby for her
she likes to sleep 
when I sing

I like to sing for her
she likes to dance 
when I sing

I like to gaze her intently 
she likes to see me 
when I look

I like to be in her presence
she likes 
my existence

Apr 3, 2017

578. I like to read this book

I like to read this book 
the one next to me reads it

I like to watch that movie 
the one next to me saw it

I like to buy that new brand 
the one next to me owns it

I like to go for that trip 
the one next to me went on that trip

I like to be myself

I quit to bother others