Oct 9, 2016

481. Oh my damsel of love

Oh my damsel of love
you my gross, subtle
and supreme facet

As a gross, you walk like a breeze
you touch like a tender warmth
you speak softly and smile wholeheartedly

As a subtle you in my dream
in my deepest memory, in my,
thoughts, in my imagination

As a supreme, you are in my soul
mixed with elation with no form
to live for eons to witness the mortals

I adore you, I celebrate you
with all my heart, with all my love
with purity of my thoughts and love

The sacraments and rituals that
I perform on you of every twilights
you play with me, in my mind, and in my heart
for all the exuberance of love and wisdom

480. Neither gold nor sun

Neither gold nor sun am I
to live for, ever after ever
Am a tiny existence
in the name of being

I bloom in the morning
with all my fragrances
that which invites bees
to hum around and buzz
for their grace and melody of music
I offer that which I could
imbibe the nectar, flew to their hive

Breeze embraces me while the sun dazzles
by spreading its luminescent rays
having done all my duties that
I am meant to be, slowly I wondered
gazing the distant stars that shines and
the moon that illuminates and I shed down
and withered as the earth accept me with
all its love and affection

479. The eternal play of you

The eternal play of you,
oh my Goddess
The infinite vast interstellar
cosmic dance of you

The celestial orbs and the
orbits of trajectories play
In which you, generate,
manifest, and of dissolution

All is you transcendent
beauty, in which
I adore, bow, and surrender

478. Oh my dear Love

Oh my dear Love
the primordial energy
the root of the sound,
the source of the letters

The origin of the symbols
the design of the patterns
of all symmetry and asymmetry
the cause of the light
the formation of the colors

The cause of the force
the light of the manifestation
you my knowledge
you my intelligence
you my wisdom

You in me and I in you
we in all,
oh my Goddess of love and rejoice

Oct 8, 2016

477. The dance

The dance of the splendor goddess in my heart
sustains eternally in union of my inhale and exhale
Where the poet is, who gave this beautiful poetry?

The musician departed, however the music survives
The singer is gone nevertheless the songs in the air
Where the painter be gone while the paintings endures?

The sculptor has vanished, but the sculptures sustain
The object survives even the subject has disappeared
Both the object and the subject live together through
the eternal dance of my goddess in energy and euphoria

476. Hey, you are not my

Hey, you are not my mirage
well you are the truth of existence

and you are not my dream
well, you are the reality

Hey, you are not my hallucination
well, you are the authority

and you are not my puppet
well, you are my mistress of love

Hey, you are not my secret
well, you are my victory for ever

and you are not my angel guardian
well, you are my goddess of love

475. The holy dream

The holy dream of the exuberance
of my dazzling damsel’s in my deep sleep

I in her dream as such, as mine
united the soul of breath

As with eternal cosmic plane
of bliss, with damsel’s tenderness

The warmth of the cuddles
through the timeless and space less
moments, of eternal joy of sacred breath

474. Through my wide

Through my wide opened window
tri-color, I witness their juncture
the green, the blue, the white

The green leaves of my backyard trees
the distant blue-azure hue of sky-vast
the wandering dark white cloudy clouds,
That wanders like my thoughts

oh the sky, accumulate not the clouds
for it showers not

oh my mind holds no thoughts 
for it feels not, 
my heart and elicits not 
my emotions

473. Oh my soul

Oh, my soul, believe at the time,
for the time the most powerful,
eternal gift for anyone and
at any time for one to diffuse

To heal, the anguish, the pain,
the fear, the feelings, the sorry,
the worries, the sad, and or
anything that you name
and that hurts you a lot

Master not to shrink the time
be skillful to elongate the time
in those elongated gap
cosmic energies await to fill within
to cheer you up

472. It was the lovely vision

It was the lovely vision of love
early in the morning dream
which is adorable
she showered with rain

On the lonely yard,
which was the dream
of the afterlife

I felt calm, peace and joy
In tranquility

I witnessed, the place of the
Humble holy heaven

And of no more
 pain and pleasure
of death

That which
my light body
is as immortal

Oct 5, 2016

471. She grants me wisdom

She grants me wisdom through her alluring eyes
of mesmerizing barnacles of captivating twilight
I spare myself, in freedom, in her heart’s rib cage

She inhaled a kind of deep, warm breath
Where, I arise and reached her crown top
She retained me there for quite a moment

Later she exhaled, and I regained in her heart
This she repeats persistently again and again
Where I experienced the bliss, happiness, elation
Joy and exuberance of euphoria and ecstasy

Oct 4, 2016

470. Not only the mind

Not only the
mind and the heart
Not only the
physiological and the psychological systems
be united through mastering
the proper breathing principles
But also the micro and the macrocosm
of the wisdom of the eternal glory

Oct 3, 2016

469. I do not search

I do not search for a wisdom master 
As it bestows enough for me

And I do not search for silver
As enough knowledge been granted

And I do not search for the 
Nodes of polarities as I am
Blessed with grace, aeon after eons

And I search not the rest of the orbs
For am blessed with enough of those

All my search is for the divine
For to unite my soul for salvation

Oct 1, 2016

468. It’s the most powerful

It’s the most powerful force
In the universe
It rules everything
It travels faster than light

It changes bodily chemicals
It changes moods, feelings
Emotions and behavior
Attitude and wellness of being
It creates depression or anxiety
Joy, happiness or sadness

It is the thought that governs
Everything, good or bad
Pain or pleasure
Love or lust, hate or love
Pride and proud, humble and meek

The switch to thought is breath
Follow the breath oh my soul
You will be as light as light
and be ever after ever