Sep 15, 2016

467. Days spent together

Days spent together in merry
As this is what the ecstasy is
For the whole life to fill with glory
As if time spent with an angel
For the elation knows not the limit
As those days are the moments to adore

466. I start meditating

I start meditating
On my thoughts
That comes by and by
Slowly, slowly, found
No thoughts exist
This, verily, verily, is true

465. Am I a content poet

Am I, a content poet
walking on the lonely street
what’s so funny to be so
counting on the countless stars
Am I, a wandering poet
breathing out the feelings

Am I, a silent creature
walking on the solitary street
what’s so funny not to chase the fortune
as what so joy that I harvest
Am I, a foolproof's honor poet
wanting to, seek the treasure within

Who is there to mock me at
craving for the pride and envy
Who is there to see the madman laugh
as he who knows to preserve the soul
for not to perish, and to wither 
while no time to regret, as time passes by

Am I, a sensual poet
walking on the lonely street

Sep 9, 2016

464. Oh my mortal

Oh my mortal, when you leave
No more damsel for to crave
No more wealth for to chase
Where the fame for fortune clan
All is completed, as is destined
All is fortunate, as is ordained

Sep 8, 2016

463. Hey you, mortal

Hey you, mortal, when you die
hey your senses, when you die
no more you, to worry about
no more you, alive, for to cry
no more your heart, for to bleed
no more feelings, no more emotions
if you become immortal

462. The only sound

The only sound that I could hear
in the vast universe is absolute silence
uncertainties of the future and
traces of the past could never be
found in the stillness of the present

461. The vision of ebony

The vision of ebony clad mountains
With the dazzling rays of sun
The chill breeze of cold everywhere
The greenery grasses with dew drops
Know not where am I

Sep 7, 2016

460. The eyes that met

The eyes that met at a single focal point
Creates multitude vision of sacred things
The tears that shed are the original
Marks of love and affection

459. That which hisses

That which hisses, not
That which raises not its hood
And that which threatens not the rest
And that scares not
And that which holds no fear and anger

While the anger and anguish vanquish
That which holds thoughts not
Be in the void and free of thoughts
That which emit poison not
And that which ingest poison not

Though that which it sublimates within
Transcends within, is bound to know
What is known not and is sacred
In the plane of hidden mystery

Unite with that is bound to be
And travel in progression and
Know not the cyclical journey of existence

Sep 6, 2016

458. Love and joy

The Goddess of love and joy
Approached me as light
The sound of whisper that
Carried out through the still air
The space created, between us
More bondage that can never
Be unbound by nature itself

457. I admit all

I admit all, except the trade for fortune
henceforth wrath dispelled and joy flourished
resentment dissipated, glory entered and showered  
understood the need and association of humanity
and surmounted the self within, for immortal pursue

456. Oh my soul

Oh my soul, know who you are
Ignore grudge, fear, anguish, disgust
Ignore anger, scare, insecure, and need
Be not lonely, yet prefer alone like a lion
Be in solitude friendly to the moon and celestial
Oh my soul you know who you are

455. Forget I, forget he

Forget I, 
forget he, she, it
forget his, her, him, they, them
forget me, 
forget for me and you
forget I and you, we and they
for all are one
As he, she, it, they and them