Aug 23, 2016

454. No beauty exists

Realized no beauty exists
After I perceived the hidden
Treasure of rays through the prism

The continuum of colors seven
Reminds the knots of seven within
Unknot the sacred knots through your being
Gaze, breathe, snuggle, moist, and whisper
The rest is taken care of

It’s the holy earth where you saunter leisurely
It’s the pure water where you shower in the rain
It’s the kindling fire where you gaze at
It’s the fresh air that you exhales
It’s the vast space of the sky and celestial rest
Where you think about me endlessly

Aug 14, 2016

453. To love and be in love

To love and be in love with my beloved love
Is the mind cherishing of the single mind of no thoughts
The frequent thoughts that arise are diminished
With the awareness of the beloved that constantly dances within me

452. Gradually & merely

Gradually, and merely merely
I found myself withered
Withered of name and fame
Withered of kith and kin
Withered of life and wealth
Withered of self worth
Withered of self image
Withered of self worth

In consequence of this
Perished my ego
Perished my - self
Perished my I and mind

Become one of this and that
Of union with absolute
Until I know not this
To reach eternity with that

Renouncing the pleasure and pain
Of worldly riches, and seek the bliss
Of union with that

Aug 11, 2016

451. Let all things

Let all things around me
Be animate or inanimate
Be mortals or immortals
Be my masters
And Let my mind, its thoughts and its memory
Be my slave

450. On the meadows

I was strolling on the meadows of the neatly mowed gracious greenery
I was humming within while gazing the constant change of the celestial scenery
I was struggling within to find an explanation for this preordained destination
All I did was surrendered myself to the unknowable truth of perfect imagination

449. She is not as beautiful as

She is not as beautiful as the rose that which blossoms from its bud
She is not the delicate petals of the any worldly, soft flowers to celebrate
She is the fragrance of all the worldly flowers, for the fragrance remains
Ever and ever and it’s the spirit of her fragrance that dwells within me

448. Beauty is whenever

Beauty is whenever I close my eyelids and see her in my heart
Beauty is the moment she is visible in the absence of light
Beauty is sitting close to her and clasping her hand close
Know not the past and future, while the here and now freezes

Aug 3, 2016

447. The heavenly eternal

The heavenly eternal flawless goddesses of pure love
and the whole universe dances within me and the
nine planets of celestial celebration of pure lights conjure
to encapsulate my mind, body, and the spirit to the
route for an abode sheath to a never ending soul of
an eternal journey of bliss and ecstasy of communion

Aug 1, 2016

446. On a summer day

While sunbath in a beach on a summer day
The endless surge of surfs near the shores
The priceless sand castles built with joy
Seagulls flying over the beach without tickets
The distant sailboat that obeys to breezy winds

445. It’s a warm summer

It’s a warm summer sunny day at a beach
The whistling sound of the lifeguard in red garb
The crabs that walks or crawls sideways in question
The jingle bell sounds of the lemonade stand
The lemonade Kona ice that melts all over my hand
While adoring the beauties of the wonder filled nature