Jan 29, 2016

273. Flowers

The earth is blessed with lovely flowers
the lily, the rose and the lotus that blossoms
for every pyramidal attribute, of venus and
mars, in love they bloom their fragrance,
beauty and elegance to holy earth

Jan 28, 2016

272. Illusions

When awake all things exist
at the deep slumber all things dissolve
are all the illusions of manifest and unmanifest
of divine principles

271. Honey dwells

Honey dwells in all flowers
Skillful bees knows discard it not
Breathe, drink, and flies in exuberance

270. Moon

The lunar moon of wax and wane
Cascades luminous waves through every cycle
Graciously on the sealed tiny veiled budded plants
For to bloom to faucet the fountain of the sap drops

269. Divine nectar

The drizzled dew of heavenly nights
On the soft petals of fragrant rose
Is stored as divine nectar in hexagonal
Shrine of hungry bee's eternal honeycomb

Jan 26, 2016

268. The coral red lips

Unbound hair, with bare foot
The coral red lips devour me
With a passion of spirit to possess
The perfect love of my beloved's
Cosmic play of ultimate reality

267. The web of mystery

The web of mystery and preserver of life
In darkness of fear, for days to bloom

The fruit of desire, unveiling the gate
To suffer on terrain as is sanctioned

Realize not, the cosmic dust dance
Of the endless play, until upsurge vertebrae

266. Awareness

Below the heart
Possessiveness and jealously
Belongings and dependence
Anger and sadness
Sorrow and worry

At the heart
Bliss and joy
Exuberance and happiness dwell
When the skillful art of
Sadness to melt into tears is known

Above the heart
A new dimension
To the real realm appears
As art of communication with eternal
And the vision of the awareness of the everlasting

Jan 25, 2016

265. Beauty of nature

I‘d at times lost myself in the beauty of nature
Wouldn’t I forget to admire its secret garden?
The hidden mystery that can’t be explained
Who has dared enough to unveil the curtain?

Let’s cling together to sing the song of its beauty
All vernacular that exists aren’t enough to praise its worth?
There’s a universal dialect that might’ve used to praise
Couldn’t the absolute silence of calmness express its glory?

The wings of butterfly stretched to reveal the beauty
Of the veiled garden to unveil its secret of eternity

Jan 18, 2016

264. Humble Bumble Bees

Humble bumble bee encircles for the unique
Fragrance of the flower to quench the tang
Of the sweat, spirit saps of immortality
Like pearls gathered on a single string

While bud that bloom to a unique soul
For to blend with concentrated natural synthesis
That bear the fruit of divine qualities
For the bliss of complete transcendence

263. Not so here

Not so here
In desirous
For to acquire
The riches of the world

Exists the existence
Of a humble realized
To cry for the unrevealed
Nature’s phenomena

262. Paradise & Perdition

If to experience
paradise on earth
love the fellow beings
and believe all things

If to experience
perdition on earth
hurt the fellow beings
and doubt all things

For the universe
is balanced with these
orderly ordained
uncertainty principles

261. Spare me a place

Spare me a place
In your heart
For to dwell
In the solitude of silence

Hearing the whisper
Let not boil my blood,
For I can’t bear
Open your heart

For to unite
In Peace
Of absolute
Silence of everlasting

Cease me not, my breath of life
Without the understanding
Of the exuberance
Of existence of the nature

260. An immortality journey

For an immortality journey to an eternal bliss
The thirst to serenity through a joyous action
For the action to end as inaction
Drinks the bee for an absolute end

Jan 17, 2016

259. Poesy

Words in the poesy are unequivocally not with the poet rather its with the fundamental imagination of the readers.

258. Paradise or Perdition

Let you be labeled as gateway
Of paradise or perdition

Yet I adore you for the love
You showered on me

Through your eyes of eternal love
Of everlasting ecstasy

As the primordial sentient being
In the galaxy of the universe

257. The Omnipresent

Formless, colorless, tasteless, odorless
The air, which is breathed
The water, which is drunken

Formless, colorless, tasteless, odorless
The light, which is observed
The sound, which is heard

Formless, colorless, tasteless, odorless
The heat, which is perceived
The cold, which is felt

Formless, colorless, tasteless, odorless
The electric field, which is witnessed
The magnetic field, which is experimented

Formless, colorless, tasteless, odorless
The omnipresent, which is intuited

256. Nature’s flowers blooms

While every plant and planets
Has unique purpose of therapeutic
Of physical and psychotherapy, of
Food and drugs, so is the nature’s
Flowers blooms for its purpose

255. Pulse that beats

Through the looks of her and bodily gestures
And through the gaze or glance whatever be
I know not, if it is through conduction,
Convection and of radiation, or in adiabatic

Forgot not the magic spell of you
Which controls, not only the senses of mine
But of mind, heart, body and spirit
Of the sudden surge of blood, not only

At heart, but also within the rhythmic rhyme
Of my pulse that beats to the sound of eternity

254. Chemicals within

You are my divine goddesses
With measures of godliness
Of paradise miraculously
Embedded in you

The unknowable is known
Through the divine feelings
Of performance performed
Through the holy rituals

On the flawless mortal
Of my immortal knowledge
Of the munificent benevolent
Raised mound of orb Venus

I got to know the center of self
And of cosmos through the
Heartbeat of universal dialect
The perpetual rhythm that is veiled

For the soul is nothing
The synthesized chemicals within

Jan 12, 2016

253. The nature

Once I rode on my bike on a hilly road
Which was like a dream of a humble witch
I could hear the bees buzz here and there
Oh the bear with the bare foot walk by

What a lovely scene to be seen
Peace, is the piece of the rainbow
Patient not, if patience for love 
Sing the song aloud, that nature allowed

Wait for the day, to weigh the weight
Of the lovely deeds of the nature

Jan 2, 2016

252. Her sparkling

My tears filled with joy as I finally found her in the crowd
Her sparkling merriment eyes and lovely smile enthralled me
I ran to her and she rushed at me and cuddled so tight in the maze
Snuggled, hugged, nestled, huddled and rubbed to warmth

She embraced me very close to her heart that I heard her heart-beat
She shed tears in delight and rolled over her fingers all over me
I felt the tender love and affection with the touch of her warmth   
She kissed me with lots of love, affection and adoration of gaiety

And I started to lick her face with such an esteemed love
I wagged my tail with loyal for her compassion and fondness
I love her unconditionally, endless, everlasting perpetual love
I snarled at her and barked at her, together we walked home

Jan 1, 2016

251. Flowers and Bees

Honeydew flowers everywhere
Bees buzz to nimble the nectar
The play of absolute nature